Jason is dumb

One day jason vorhees was watching tv. Suddenly Freddy Kruger jumped out of da tv. "Ima kull u!" Jason just stared at da broken tv. Fredde pulled out a shot gun and shot jason. Jason just kept staring at da broken tv.
Freddy thought that Jason was a scrub, so he gave him.....the scrub test. There was only 2 question. the questions were, 'Are you smart?' 'Spell it.' Jason looked down at the coffee table. There was a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a pen. Jason picked up da tootpaste. He wrote, it's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday! for the first question. For da second question he write, smart. He handed the paper to freddy. Freddy looked at da paper and burned it. "You.Are.A.SCRUB. And Dumb." "howwwww?" "You wrote lyrics from a Rebecca Black song, and you wrote smart when it told you to spell, IT." And they all lived happily ever afterrrrr.